
Showing posts from March, 2020

Week 1 - March 31st - April 3rd

Hello!  Welcome to our first week of on-line learning. Thank you to all our families for being patient as we learn how to use new platforms and how to best communicate with our families. We know there will be hic-ups along the way.   We would like to begin by explaining our thought process in how we will move forward. This may change as we learn how to infuse technology and understand our student's needs in this new learning environment.   Each Friday we will post a blog, similar to this one, where we share our learning intentions. Most tasks will be connected to the larger learning intention with smaller learning intentions embedded in the task. We will provide a possible schedule of when each task could take place to help in organizing yourself and your family. As mandated by Alberta Learning, we will focus primarily on literacy and numeracy, however being a Science alternative program we value the importance of integrating a Scientific perspective on the tasks we assign

Welcome Back!

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s):       Thank you for your patience as we work through some necessary planning in preparation for resuming structured learning opportunities for your child. I understand there has been a lot of uncertainty about what learning is going to look like moving forward. I can assure you that we are going to work on key learning outcomes at-home within the parameters established by the province and CBE.    To help me understand your family’s access to technology, can you please provide responses to the following three questions:  §  Does your child have access to a computer, laptop, iPad/tablet, smart phone? If so which types of technology might be accessible?   §  Does your child have access to the Internet?  §  Is your only option a paper-based education for your child?    While the lessons I will be providing are aimed to minimize technology, there will still be times where we will need to rely on technology as a resource. It is important that your

Update from Mrs. Giborski

Hi everyone! I hope you are all safe and healthy! It's very strange being in the school without you all! I miss seeing you each day! We as a grade 3 team are hard at work planning what learning will look like for the foreseeable future. Parents, if you are looking for information on what you can be doing with your child please refer to the following CBE website: Please regularly check the blog and your emails in the coming day for next steps. Take care! Mrs. Giborski :)

March 13th

Calgary Zoo We had an awesome time at the zoo on Tuesday! It was the perfect opportunity to have the students examine the enclosures of the various animals to look for ideas for their own enclosure designs. We also had the opportunity to see how the animals are cared for, both their health and their enclosures. A few of us had the chance to see a hippo get his teeth brushed! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who were able to help make this trip a success!   Monday's Field Study Our field study on Monday has been cancelled. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Science Home Journal This weeks question is: What does the word conservation mean? How does the Calgary Zoo demonstrate conservation efforts for their animals? (You may want to visit for more information).

March 6th

Wow! What a week! It has been so busy in room 8! Studio Bell The students had a blast on Wednesday at Studio Bell! It was an amazing opportunity to enhance the learning we have done around Hearing and Sound! I am sure that your child has filled you in on their favourite part(s) of the day! I am disappointed that I was unable to attend, but am very grateful to Ms. Brandley for going in my place! Calgary Zoo On Tuesday we will be going to the zoo to get a better understanding of the thought process that goes in to designing an enclosure for different types of animals. The students are very excited for this opportunity! We are looking for one more volunteer to help us make this trip a success! Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to join us! If you have not returned your child's form please ensure that it is returned on Monday! Science Home Journal This weeks Science Home Journal question supports what we have been doing in class in regards to our enclos