
Showing posts from January, 2020

January 31st

Update: The Earth Science Conference field study date was written incorrectly when I first asked for volunteers. It is actually March 16th, not the 17th. We are still looking for volunteers for that day! Thank you, Mrs. Giborski

January 30th

It was another day of exploration and discovery! One of the many things I love about my job is having the opportunity to watch as my students experience the world around them! Having the opportunity to take as many field trips as we do is an unbelievable perk of my job! Today was no exception! I got to listen as my students tried to figure out what should be placed around a wet land in order to preserve it. I got to witness the discussions they had while handling various artifacts and as they were trying to determine in they belonged in a wetland or not! I have to say that my very favourite part was watching them all take part in a short play about the lifecycle of a frog, and the various things that impact their lives! After our presentation the students got to explore the zoo and one of their tasks was to find an animal from each of the 4 countries we are studying! I am so proud of how all of them rose to the challenge and were excited to see what they could find! Important inform

January 28th

Wow! It has been a very busy past few days in room 8! We have had some in depth discussions about what culture is and looking at how different culture can be in the 4 countries we are learning about. Food was our major topic this past week - we learned all about the different types of food that is important in the countries - and after each lesson we were all very hungry! We had the opportunity to try pirogies from Ukraine - thank you to the wonderful parent volunteer who prepared them and sent them in for the student to try! We learned that they are dough with mashed potatoes inside! They were very yummy! Thursday is our field study to the Calgary Zoo. As of right now the weather is supposed to be really nice, however, this is Calgary and the weather is know to change! I am asking that you send your child to school that day ready to be outside. We will have indoor options for our activities but will try and be outside when possible! Upcoming Field Studies: February 19th - Arts C

January 16th

We've gone ear crazy in room 8! The students are busy building the human ear out of recycled parts! Today's assignment was to draw and label the ear with all of the different materials they want to use to build their 3D models. The students worked so hard on this step and have come up with some really creative ideas! They have this weekend to gather some supplies from home if they wish, and on Monday we will be going "shopping" in the iLab for materials! Book orders are coming home today. It will be a quick turn around this month. Orders will be due by Friday the 24th. Please return the field study forms as soon as possible! Think of it this way, the sooner you hand them in the sooner you don't have to worry about them! :) Thanks! Mrs. G

January 15th

Field study forms for our Calgary Zoo trip have gone home today! Thank you to the parents who have offered to volunteer! At this time we have enough volunteers! We do have another field study on March 4th that I am looking for a few volunteers for! The grade 3s are hard at work learning about the different parts of the ear! Encourage your child to explain the process to you! Stay warm out there! Mrs. G

January 9th

Welcome back!! It has been a very busy week in room 8! I am very glad that all of my students enjoyed their break and were able to jump back into our learning! We have been looking at the question "How do we hear?" The students have been hard at work studying the different parts of the ear and how they all work together to help us! They have learned what sound is and were very excited to discover that it travels 18 times faster then air! Ask your child to describe the first 3 parts of the ear and what their jobs are in this amazing process! Math has had us reviewing our addition and subtraction strategies! We are working on double checking our work by using various strategies for the same question. The students wrote to me about what they did over the winter break! I was very excited to read all about their adventures! There is no school tomorrow! We are looking for 4 more volunteers for our field study to the zoo on January 30th. Please let me know if you are ava